Holons Team

Holons HN$ Team

Tadeusz Habdank-WojewódzkiTadeusz Habdank-Wojewódzki, PhD Tadeusz is the driving force behind Holon$ Bank with his in depth understanding of the multidisciplinary market correlations and ideas that prove themselves be exactly what the market needs. He excels at designing Hybrid DLT algorithms in applications and algorithms for holographic sets and therapeutic relationships.
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Seweryn Habdank-WojewódzkiSeweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, PhD Seweryn received his PhD in Automatics and Robotics passionate to bring Holon Tokens Hybrid initiative to new height with state of the art integration of medical devices and AI application for cloud analysis of the measurement results from the integrated machines.
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Felicja HabdankFelicja Habdank, MSc Felicja maintains the health of the organization by managing the books through the project’s financial and legal supervision.
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julianna-habdank-wojewodzkaJulianna Habdank-Wojewódzka Julianna is passionate about the networks and servers and she administers the server cluster that host the nodes for Holon Tokens Hybrid.
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Mikkel AagaardMichał Radwański, BEng Mikkel is the core developer in the team setting the foundations for the code base and oversees dApps development and network’s maintenance.
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Quantum Holopedia
Quantum Foundation IVS
Private Institute for Natural Sciences PINS
Center for ElectroTherapy CET Healy
PINS Spinon
Quantum Holopedia
Quantum Foundation IVS
Private Institute for Natural Sciences PINS
Center for ElectroTherapy CET Healy
PINS Spinon