DAQ Technologies 

Holon ~ DAQ GPT
Holon ~ DAQ Technologies
Holon ~ Green Gold DAQ

Holon network infrastructure are the answer to the ongoing unification of the foremost disruptive technologies of recent years. These technologies are Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Quantum Technology (QT). They form DAQ which is the technological basis for the new decentralized Internet. This new Internet has a built-in analysis supported by AI models and quantum technologies for improved consensus and security features.

Holons HN$ Tokens DLT AI Hybrid

Fig 1. Holons Tokens Hybrid ~ Three Pillars under Cryptocurrency Exchange: Holon$ Community, HN$ DLT Bank, and Holons devices

Holon Tokens Hybrid

Holon Tokens Hybrid’s purpose is to develop an infrastructure for network enabled research using medical devices (EEG, MEG, MRI). 

Holons Tokens Hybrid’s combines tokenized payments for commissioning research in facilities that joined the network as well as transactions for the resulting research data. 

Holon Tokens Hybrid combines medical devices and Holarchium networks, with the purpose to facilitate synchronous data collection from distant measurement stations and cultivate online collaboration and community based research, where researchers benefit from vast community knowledge and share discussions about the experiments. One of the key elements of Holon Tokens Hybrid are the AI cloud computations that are designed to bring forth personalized treatments from collectively gathered data and establish Holarchium as a Quantum Network Sensor.

Holons Tokens Hybrid is a digital asset platform, which is aimed at building a strong, network~driven currency for funding, conducting and cooperation on research with medical devices. It is a simple idea to create a token used in development & growth of a digital collaborative research platform.

Both Holon Tokens Hybrid and Holons Tokens Hybrid are a parts, or holons, of Consciousness Project which is a larger enterprise to build a social consciousness through means such as the Internet. In Holon Tokens Hybrid network, it is realized through knowledge and information distribution and algorithmic analysis of both the data resulting from human collaboration and the interactions that propagate through the network.

Holon Tokens Hybrid has an important place in the Consciousness Project (CP). It serves as Holarchium, a Quantum Network Sensor, where the network is made from holons and implemented and the way that the activity on the network analysed with artificial intelligence algorithms to detect stochastically influenced quantum phenomena on the network.

Fig 2. Consciousness Project (CP) Holarchium with DLT CP as one of the base holons

This implementation is realized with the concept of integrating medical devices into the network as IoT devices to activate the propagation of research data through the network and enable highly scalable analytical investigation of large datasets with Artificial Intelligence.

Holon Tokens Hybrid is a Peer~to~Peer (P2P) or Researcher~to~Researcher (R2R) network. Its two primary purposes are collaboration on research using medical devices and data analysis. In order to foster Holon Tokens Hybrid network’s growth, it is designed to facilitate payments for participation in measurements commissioning research using medical devices in distant locations, access to scientific programs and experiments, and provisions of the research data. 

Researchers will also be able to apply for research grants and use crowdfunding capabilities of tokenized network to receive the funding based on network participants’ votes and contributions.

Holon Distributed Applications (HolonApps) and Forum App are the primary network activity facilitating and stimulating elements.

HolonApps ~> Main functionality for interaction with the network is handled by HolonApps which are easy to develop thanks to an easy and intuitive development environment that handles most of the heavy lifting automatically leaving the developers to focus on business cases.

Forum App ~> The Forum App is the Internet center for communication on important Holon Internet Things (HolonThings). A project or a problem is posted and we all participate in helping find and apply solutions and make collective decisions. Resource Management Guides help us understand the data and make sure we stay within Earth’s carrying capacity using the scientific method with a focus on ensuring Earth’s continued holographically supported Holon Consciousness.

Fig 3. Interactions with Holon Tokens Hybrid Database, Artificial Intelligence and DLT features.

Broader aspect of the utility of Holon Tokens Hybrid is visualized in Fig 4 with future key actors contributing from the research objects, AI analysis of the data and collaborative tools developed on the DLT network at dApps.

Fig 4. Holons Tokens Hybrid network with incorporated medical devices and researchers collaborating to generate valuable data to function as a Holarchium for the Holon Consciousness Project community and clinical research organization.

Holon Consciousness Project in Tokens & Holon Tokens Hybrid Network

Fig 5. Human Information flows matrix across quantum information in neural system and genewave and electromagnetic information in nervous and cardiovascular system in the therapeutic aspect.

Physical conditions


  1. Complement Internet network with holarchic architecture based on the holon organization described by Piero Mella in The Holonic Revolution (Mella, 2009) and inspired by the recent advances in quantum network hybrids operating on swapped photon entanglements (Khadilkar, 2020) 
  2. Medical applications including data from Bioresonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI to the network to find the correlations between them and the anomalies 
  3. Introduce quantum algorithms and AI in the network for multidimensional data analysis in the cloud.

Market Considerations

Medical devices and networks Hybrid

Technological advancements are moving very fast and push rapid development in the network technology as well as in the equipment for biological measurements. Online research collaboration is blossoming with many projects and platforms providing all the necessary tools and means proving that the Internet is the future of collaboration. Most of the available platforms exist within standard centralized solutions and this market is still to benefit from the exceptionally rapidly growing blockchain technology. 
Similarly, the IoT systems are on the rise with a great portion of it being the wearable or portable health monitors. We envision a truly interconnected network of highly profiled medical and health research equipment to be incorporated in the network to enable growing opportunities in collaborative research.

Research Crowdfunding

Very important aspect of scientific research is funding, it is the funds issuers that have the main say into what research project will be carried out. Our mission is to bring research driving force and decision making to people and see the projects thrive using crowdsourcing power. 

Open research data and results database

Known hindrance of any data scientist training the analytical models is access to large sets of quality data. Enabling a platform that would help gather and structure data generated during the research is a great asset that enables future collaborative work, cross disciplinary engagement, meta analyses and machine learning. Holon Tokens Hybrid aims to create a platform where funded projects are incentivized to provision their research data for the rest of the community.


Cooperation within Holon Tokens Hybrid is ideal for independent researchers and small teams. It provides a platform to share experience and research methods, resources and experimental results with your collaborators around the world, track individual contributions to research projects in your collective project overview, customise your access and permission rights to fit your specific needs. On top of that, it produces an ever growing adequately structured body of data that is a great opportunity for data analysts and Artificial Intelligence experts to benefit from large training data sets.
The community or organization expanding around Holon Tokens Hybrid collaboration helps with its other purpose, to establish a Holarchium ~ Quantum Network Sensor, that detects stochastically influenced quantum phenomena with Artificial Intelligence algorithms on the photon like structured network.

Bioinformatics and Biophysics research basis for Holon tokens
Internet Database and Holon network is very important during therapy, according to our observations, to expose the correlation of conscious connections between the brain work and its dysfunctions with the functions of individual energy information fields of internal organs represented for blood and lymph flows, nerve tissues along with the representation potentials on cellular level. That is why it is important to create 3D biofeedback and telebiofeedback (as additional packages in Holon Bioresonance with Information Field Flows originated in transactions within token modules) synchronized in the Information Field patients consciousness and represented by an energy level emulator in adequate brain areas together with corresponding 3D mapping and simulation of their connections as a way and a clue in therapy supported by artificial intelligence.(Mella, 2009) and
inspired by the recent advances in quantum network hybrids operating on swapped
photon entanglements (Khadilkar, 2020).
2. Incorporate Medical applications including dat


Mella, P. (2009), The Holonic Revolution Holons, Holarchies and Holonic Networks. The Ghost in the Production Machine, Pavia University Press,

Khadilkar, D. (2020), ‘Hybrid’ Quantum Networking Demonstrated for First Time, Scientific American, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/hybrid-quantum-networking-demonstrated-for-first-tim